Every August, the Australian Federal Police promotes National Missing Persons Week. The event aims to remind the public of the thousands of ordinary Australians that simply disappear every year, and the role they can play in helping to find them. Following a competitive pitch, our concept was selected for this important Federal Government project.
Core Idea
Our idea was to remind the public that missing people are not just statistics, but loved dads, brothers, mums, sisters, wives and kids… They are loved individuals who have not been forgotten. To achieve this, we placed real missing person’s file photos in frames to reinforce that they are still being thought about every day.
While it’s too early to gauge audience impact, a measure of the success of the campaign can be derived by the number of poster sites that are donated by the outdoor media owners. This year a record number of sites were donated from companies including JCDecaux, oOh! media, Outdoor Systems, Paradise Outdoor Advertising and QMS Media.